Mars and Jupiter conjunct in Scorpio: Mithridates, Heraklian King of Ancient Pontus

These days we are experiencing a conjunction of Mars and Jupiter in Scorpio. This makes me remember King Mithridates, who was immune to poison.

Scorpio by its very nature, is poison. Jupiter is the King of the Gods. And Mars signifies war.

Mithridates was a warrior-king who defended his people against the Romans. He knew that his enemies would try to poison him so he delivered himself immune to poison by consuming little drops of poison everyday.  This is a Scorpionic activity with a touch of Capriconian determination and Virgo’s keen calculations.

Yet, Jupiter is not always beneficent in Scorpio. In ancient times, when a king was captured by his enemies, he poisoned himself. Yet Mithradites was immune to poison. He could not utilize poison to meet his death by his own hands. So we remember.

One aspect of Mithradites is hardly discussed. As is custom in Ancient Pontus, he was a follower of Heracles, perhaps this is where his success and heroism is rooted in…




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