Full Moon in Virgo: Time to Heal

Today we have a full moon in Virgo. The Virgo – Pisces Axis is about the flow of the Cosmic Ocean down into the Earth Plane. Eternal divine wisdom of Pisces is known, thought, spoken and actualized in Virgo.

I am aware that this Full Moon energy is harsh. With a few friends we have agreed to focus on healing during this Full Moon. The unpleasant memories are surfacing, people you want to forget keep showing themselves up on the social media, right ?

During this Full Moon, Mars and Venus are in mutual reception. It means that Mars is in Venus’ House and Venus is in Mars’ House. Venus is in retrograde movement. While Venus goes retrograde we re-asses old relationships, value systems, beliefs about values and our self-worth. The Sun – Chiron conjunction is a all about wounds and healing.

Relationships which involve a man and a woman come to the fore. These relationships can both be past or current relationships.Wounds we acquired from these relationships begin to itch again so that we can tend them with Virgo’s herbal healing ointments. We had closed and opened doors in the recent eclipse only two weeks ago. Now is the time to move the debris, cleanse and heal.

Have you ever been in a relationship that made you feel worthless ? Abuse relationships are sometimes caused by a root belief of worthlessness, insufficiency and powerlessness. If we perceive ourselves as such, we encounter people and relationships who share the same perceptions about ourselves.

Let us find the courage to look at the past worthlessness relationships in the eye. How did we come to accept the partner who devalued us ? What was the root belief which led this come to pass ?

When we learn what we need to learn, we can leave this worthlessness mockery behind.

There is a chance in the Heavens tonight for those who wish to heal. The Virgin Priestess Moon can help us heal  thousands years of oppression, trauma and conditioning.


Let us not be afraid of our power. The Saruman voice which used to criticize and harm you is now silenced. Now we rise.

With blessings,


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